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How many users on this app

2 2024-08-07 07:28

Site Activity
This site rarely gets more than 20 posts (even on an a busy day). The level of site activity might grow but for now, the computing resource needed by this site can be supplied by even the cheapest shared hosting websites. As for lurkers, I cannot really tell but most of the content on the site is text anyway so as far as hosting goes, it falls right into the dream of a lazy sysadmin.

Data Volume
The complete text of war and peace on project gutenberg is 3.2 MB. Given the rate and volume of posts on this site, I guess that the complete amount of text written so far would not surpass 100MB. I daresay that even if this site were to operate (given how it has for now), the complete content of the site data will not surpass 500MB for many years, which is well-covered by even the lowest-tier free package of most serverless database service.

The current site just works and no one seems to complaining, so why change it?



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