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All politicians lie

9 2024-10-05 14:03

Anyone remember the saying 'Never let a good crisis go to waste'?

Guess which group of people find the most meaning and solace in that saying? Your guess is right. Politicians. Those big, human-shaped ticks that suck the truth and goodness out of human society.

Another one for you to guess: who creates the most crisis in society? I know everyone got that one right. Politicians. Who else benefits most out of any crisis more than them. A vote for any politician is a vote for a crisis-monger.

Here are three tactics taken from their crisis-mongering playbook:

1. Leave a small flame to become big. Allow a small issue to fester till it becomes a big issue. The society cries out for a solution. At that moment, you have their full support to cut yourself a blank cheque.

2. Blame the strawman. This particular tactic happens to be one of my favourites. To pull this one off, you look for an issue with complex causes and inter-dependencies and blame it one a single easy to understand cause. You blame that cause, while pointing that your opponents have neglected and/or encouraged the cause. This is a very powerful tactic for political campaigns and pushing legislation in your favour.

3. Make something out of nothing. This one is for only the skilled politicians. When all the juicy crises have been used up, it takes only a bit of imagination by a skilled politician to point out an issue that, while can be considered to be problem, is not quite a crisis yet. The skilled politician directs the narrative in this direction and makes a lot of noise about it. Oftentimes with demonstrations and extensive media attention. Then he declares a 'fight' on the issue and burns a lot of money in the 'fight', all the while benefiting from the expenses on the side.

That's all for now folks. Don't fall for the tricks. Remember to keep your head down, work hard and hope for better times. That's the only way to progress.



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