Every time someone complains about Guile's scsh port, you are obliged to post a patch here to improve it.
Use this as the base: https://gitlab.com/guile-scsh/guile-scsh
Happy hacking!
This fixes the issues that make it unable to run on Guile 3.0.2: https://paste.textboard.org/37618cbc
Meta: What does Guile scsh offer over bash (besides being probably more hackable)? Is it kind of like Eshell?
Good one.
Who wants to adopt the repo?
Help me out, why work on guile-scsh instead of gash?
I don't exactly get what the hype around scsh is, but I think the idea is the following:
Unix shells provide a single language for two purposes: 1) interactively executing commands, and 2) writing scripts. It is clear that they were designed for the first case, the second being only an afterthought. I think Eshell is only capable of the first one. Meanwhile, scsh was designed for scripting and programming, with proper lexical scoping, data-structures, everything a programmer could want (coming from Scheme), but with a convenient interface to the system that resembles the ease-of-use provided by the shell.
Meanwhile Gash is an implementation of the POSIX sh.
So how does it differ from a Scheme implementation with a POSIX library?
Flip through the manual: https://scsh.net/docu/html/man.html
I think the most important is the process notation. Here's an example from the manual:
(run (| (delatex)
(begin ((char-filter char-downcase))) ; tr A-Z a-z
(< scsh.tex)
(> spell-errors.txt))
The begin
is Scheme, the rest are shell commands.
(begin ((char-filter char-downcase))) ; tr A-Z a-z
The begin is Scheme
Since it is given one argument, it is much more likely to be a custom, redefined begin, not the standard one.
It is the `escape-to-scheme' case of the process forms, it behaves like `begin' but is run in a fork. For example:
(run (pipe
(display "Hello SchemeBBS!")
(display "How are you doing?")
(wc -l)))
This will output 2.
It is a somewhat common mistake in bash to try to modify the environment of the parent shell from a child shell in a pipeline. Here it is in scsh:
(let ((maximum 0))
(run (pipe
(seq 100)
(let loop ((l (read-line)))
(when (not (eof-object? l))
(when (> (string->number l) maximum)
(set! maximum (string->number l)))
(display l)
(loop (read-line)))))
(wc -l)))
(display (list 'maximum maximum)))